Manganese in PDB, part 56 (files: 2201-2240),
PDB 4php-4qsf
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Manganese (Mn) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Manganese atoms. PDB files: 2201-2240 (PDB 4php-4qsf).
4php (Mn: 2) - Structure of Human Dna Polymerase Beta Complexed with T in the Template Base Paired with Incoming Non-Hydrolyzable Gtp and Manganese
Other atoms:
Na (2);
4phr (Mn: 1) - Domain of Unknown Function 1792 (DUF1792) with Manganese
4pj0 (Mn: 8) - Structure of T.Elongatus Photosystem II, Rows of Dimers Crystal Packing
Other atoms:
Mg (70);
Fe (6);
Cl (4);
Ca (2);
4plb (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of S.A. Gyrase-AM8191 Complex
Other atoms:
F (1);
4pss (Mn: 2) - Multiconformer Model For Escherichia Coli Dihydrofolate Reductase at 100K
4pst (Mn: 2) - Multiconformer Model For Escherichia Coli Dihydrofolate Reductase at 277 K
4psy (Mn: 2) - 100K Crystal Structure of Escherichia Coli Dihydrofolate Reductase
4pth (Mn: 500) - Ensemble Model For Escherichia Coli Dihydrofolate Reductase at 100K
4ptj (Mn: 250) - Ensemble Model For Escherichia Coli Dihydrofolate Reductase at 277K
4pxb (Mn: 4) - The Crystal Structure of Atuah in Complex with (S)-Ureidoglycolate
4pxc (Mn: 4) - The Crystal Structure of Atuah in Complex with (S)-Hydroxyglycine
4pxd (Mn: 2) - The Crystal Structure of Ecaah in Complex with Allantoate
4pxe (Mn: 4) - The Crystal Structure of Atuah in Complex with Glyoxylate
4q0b (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hiv-1 Reverse Transcriptase in Complex with Gap- Rna/Dna and Nevirapine
4q3p (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni Arginase
4q3q (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni Arginase in Complex with Inhibitor Abh
4q3r (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni Arginase in Complex with Inhibitor Abhdp
Other atoms:
Cs (11);
Cl (12);
4q3s (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni Arginase in Complex with Inhibitor Abhpe
4q3t (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni Arginase in Complex with Inhibitor Noha
4q3u (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni Arginase in Complex with Inhibitor Nor-Noha
4q3v (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni Arginase in Complex with Inhibitor Bec
4q40 (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni Arginase in Complex with L- Valine
4q41 (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni Arginase in Complex with L- Lysine
4q42 (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni Arginase in Complex with L- Ornithine
4q7f (Mn: 1) - 1.98 Angstrom Crystal Structure of Putative 5'-Nucleotidase From Staphylococcus Aureus in Complex with Adenosine.
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
4q7i (Mn: 5) - Crystal Structure of Engineered Thermostable D-Tagatose 3-Epimerase Pcdte-VAR8
4qag (Mn: 4) - Structure of A Dihydroxycoumarin Active-Site Inhibitor in Complex with the Rnase H Domain of Hiv-1 Reverse Transcriptase
4qax (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Post-Catalytic Binary Complex of Phosphoglycerate Mutase From Staphylococcus Aureus
4qh9 (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of MN2+ Bound Human APE1
4qkb (Mn: 7) - Crystal Structure of Seleno-Methionine Labelled Human ALKBH7 in Complex with Alpha-Ketoglutarate and Mn(II)
4qkd (Mn: 7) - Crystal Structure of Human ALKBH7 in Complex with Alpha-Ketoglutarate and Mn(II)
4qkf (Mn: 4) - Crystal Structure of Human ALKBH7 in Complex with N-Oxalylglycine and Mn(II)
4qkn (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Fto Bound to A Selective Inhibitor
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
4qnj (Mn: 2) - The Structure of Wt A. Thaliana IGPD2 in Complex with MN2+ and Formate at 1.3A Resolution
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
4qnk (Mn: 16) - The Structure of Wt A. Thaliana IGPD2 in Complex with MN2+ and Phosphate
Other atoms:
Na (8);
4qpx (Mn: 3) - Nv Polymerase Post-Incorporation-Like Complex
4qrn (Mn: 4) - High-Resolution Crystal Structure of 5-Carboxyvanillate Decarboxylase (Target Efi-505250) From Novosphingobium Aromaticivorans Dsm 12444 Complexed with Manganese and 4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxy-5-Nitrobenzoic Acid
Other atoms:
Cl (8);
4qro (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Dihydroxybenzoic Acid Decarbboxylase BPRO_2061 (Target Efi-500288) From Polaromonas Sp. JS666 with Bound Manganese and An Inhibitor, 2-Nitroresorcinol
4qs5 (Mn: 4) - Crystal Structure of 5-Carboxyvanillate Decarboxylase LIGW2 From Novosphingobium Aromaticivorans Dsm 12444 (Target Efi-505250) with Bound Manganese and 3-Methoxy-4-Hydroxy-5-Nitrobenzoic Acid, the D314N Mutant
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
4qsf (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Amidohydrolase PMI1525 (Target Efi-500319) From Proteus Mirabilis HI4320, A Complex with Butyric Acid and Manganese
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