Atomistry » Manganese » PDB 2hvh-2jcj
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Manganese in PDB, part 23 (files: 881-920), PDB 2hvh-2jcj

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Manganese (Mn) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Manganese atoms. PDB files: 881-920 (PDB 2hvh-2jcj).
  1. 2hvh (Mn: 2) - Ddctp:O6MEG Pair in the Polymerase Active Site (0 Position)
  2. 2hxg (Mn: 3) - Crystal Structure of MN2+ Bound Ecai
  3. 2hy1 (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of RV0805
    Other atoms: Fe (1);
  4. 2hyo (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of RV0805 N97A Mutant
    Other atoms: Fe (1);
  5. 2hyp (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of RV0805 D66A Mutant
    Other atoms: Br (4); As (1); Fe (1);
  6. 2hzy (Mn: 2) - Mouse Fumarylacetoacetate Hydrolase Complexes with A Transition-State Mimic of the Complete Substrate
    Other atoms: Ni (10); Ca (1); Na (2);
  7. 2i0k (Mn: 2) - Cholesterol Oxidase From Brevibacterium Sterolicum- HIS121ALA Mutant
    Other atoms: As (2);
  8. 2i6k (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Human Type I Ipp Isomerase Complexed with A Substrate Analog
    Other atoms: Mg (4);
  9. 2i6q (Mn: 1) - Complement Component C2A
  10. 2i7z (Mn: 200) - Gaaa Tetraloop Receptor Complex with Associated Manganese Ions.
  11. 2iae (Mn: 4) - Crystal Structure of A Protein Phosphatase 2A (PP2A) Holoenzyme.
  12. 2iaj (Mn: 3) - Crystal Structure of K103N/Y181C Mutant Hiv-1 Reverse Transcriptase (Rt) in Complex with Atp
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  13. 2ic3 (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of K103N/Y181C Mutant Hiv-1 Reverse Transcriptase (Rt) in Complex with Nonnucleoside Inhibitor Hby 097
  14. 2ick (Mn: 1) - Human Isopentenyl Diphophate Isomerase Complexed with Substrate Analog
  15. 2id0 (Mn: 4) - Escherichia Coli Rnase II
  16. 2ido (Mn: 5) - Structure of the E. Coli Pol III Epsilon-Hot Proofreading Complex
  17. 2ie3 (Mn: 2) - Structure of the Protein Phosphatase 2A Core Enzyme Bound to Tumor- Inducing Toxins
  18. 2ie4 (Mn: 2) - Structure of the Protein Phosphatase 2A Core Enzyme Bound to Okadaic Acid
  19. 2if8 (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Inositol Phosphate Multikinase IPK2 in Complex with Adp and MN2+ From S. Cerevisiae
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  20. 2ify (Mn: 2) - Structure of Bacillus Anthracis Cofactor-Independent Phosphoglucerate Mutase
  21. 2iie (Mn: 7) - Single Chain Integration Host Factor Protein (SCIHF2) in Complex with Dna
  22. 2iif (Mn: 8) - Single Chain Integration Host Factor Mutant Protein (SCIHF2- K45AE) in Complex with Dna
  23. 2ilz (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Poliovirus Polymerase Complexed with Gtp and MN2+
    Other atoms: As (4); Na (2);
  24. 2im1 (Mn: 3) - Crystal Structure of Poliovirus Polymerase Complexed with Ctp and MN2+
    Other atoms: As (4); Na (1);
  25. 2im3 (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Poliovirus Polymerase Complexed with Utp and MN2+
    Other atoms: As (4); Na (1);
  26. 2ind (Mn: 2) - Mn(II) Reconstituted Toluene/O-Xylene Monooxygenase Hydroxylase X-Ray Crystal Structure
  27. 2ioc (Mn: 4) - The Crystal Structure of TREX1 Explains the 3' Nucleotide Specificity and Reveals A Polyproline II Helix For Protein Partenring
  28. 2irx (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Polymerase Domain From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Ligase D with Gtp and Manganese.
  29. 2iry (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Polymerase Domain From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Ligase D with Dgtp and Manganese.
  30. 2iw4 (Mn: 3) - Crystal Structure of Basillus Subtilis Family II Inorganic Pyrophosphatase Mutant, H98Q, in Complex with Pnp
    Other atoms: Mg (4); Fe (4);
  31. 2j0b (Mn: 1) - Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Mouse Manic Fringe in Complex with Udp and Manganese
    Other atoms: K (1);
  32. 2j18 (Mn: 1) - Chloroperoxidase Mixture of Ferric and Ferrous States (Low Dose Data Set)
    Other atoms: Br (3); Fe (1);
  33. 2j19 (Mn: 1) - Ferrous Chloroperoxidase (High Dose Data Set)
    Other atoms: Br (3); Fe (1);
  34. 2j3m (Mn: 6) - Prolyl-Trna Synthetase From Enterococcus Faecalis Complexed with Atp, Manganese and Prolinol
  35. 2j46 (Mn: 2) - Water Structure of T. Aquaticus Ffh Ng Domain at 1.1A Resolution
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  36. 2j5m (Mn: 1) - Structure of Chloroperoxidase Compound 0
    Other atoms: Fe (1);
  37. 2j6v (Mn: 6) - Crystal Structure of the Dna Repair Enzyme Uv Damage Endonuclease
  38. 2j9f (Mn: 2) - Human Branched-Chain Alpha-Ketoacid Dehydrogenase- Decarboxylase E1B
    Other atoms: K (4);
  39. 2jcd (Mn: 4) - Structure of the N-Oxygenase Aurf From Streptomyces Thioluteus
  40. 2jcj (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Alpha-1,3 Galactosyltransferase (C- Terminus Truncated Mutant-C3) in Complex with Udp Nd Tris
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:25:56 2025

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