Atomistry » Manganese » PDB 5cdn-5dcb
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Manganese in PDB, part 64 (files: 2521-2560), PDB 5cdn-5dcb

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Manganese (Mn) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Manganese atoms. PDB files: 2521-2560 (PDB 5cdn-5dcb).
  1. 5cdn (Mn: 4) - 2.8A Structure of Etoposide with S.Aureus Dna Gyrase and Dna
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  2. 5cdo (Mn: 4) - 3.15A Structure of Qpt-1 with S.Aureus Dna Gyrase and Dna
    Other atoms: Na (5);
  3. 5cdp (Mn: 4) - 2.45A Structure of Etoposide with S.Aureus Dna Gyrase and Dna
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  4. 5cdr (Mn: 3) - 2.65 Structure of S.Aureus Dna Gyrase and Artificially Nicked Dna
  5. 5cdv (Mn: 1) - Proline Dipeptidase From Deinococcus Radiodurans R1
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  6. 5cet (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of RV2837C
  7. 5cev (Mn: 12) - Arginase From Bacillus Caldevelox, L-Lysine Complex
  8. 5cfs (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ant(2")-Ia in Complex with Ampcpp and Tobramycin
  9. 5cft (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ant(2")-Ia in Complex with Ampcpp and Gentamicin C1
  10. 5cfu (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ant(2")-Ia in Complex with Adenylyl-2"-Tobramycin
  11. 5cg8 (Mn: 1) - NGTET1 in Complex with 5HMC Dna
  12. 5cg9 (Mn: 2) - NGTET1 in Complex with 5MC Dna in Space Group P3221
  13. 5cgv (Mn: 2) - 2009 H1N1 Pa Endonuclease in Complex with L-742,001
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  14. 5ckv (Mn: 2) - Dahp Synthase From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Fully Inhibited By Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, and Tryptophan
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  15. 5ckx (Mn: 2) - Non-Covalent Complex of Dahp Synthase and Chorismate Mutase From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis with Bound Transition State Analog and Feedback Effectors Tyrosine and Phenylalanine
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  16. 5cl0 (Mn: 2) - 2009 H1N1 Pa Endonuclease in Complex with Rump
  17. 5cna (Mn: 4) - Refined Structure of Concanavalin A Complexed with Alpha- Methyl-D-Mannopyranoside at 2.0 Angstroms Resolution and Comparison with the Saccharide-Free Structure
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Ca (4);
  18. 5cnq (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Holliday Junction-Resolving Enzyme GEN1 (Wt) in Complex with Product Dna, MG2+ and MN2+ Ions
  19. 5cou (Mn: 2) - Structure and Mechanism of A Eukaryal Nick-Sealing Rna Ligase K170M+Atp
  20. 5cov (Mn: 1) - Structure and Mechanism of A Eukaryal Nick-Sealing Rna Ligase K170M+Mn
  21. 5cr9 (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Abc-Type FE3+-Hydroxamate Transport System From Saccharomonospora Viridis Dsm 43017
  22. 5cxr (Mn: 3) - Influenza Endonuclease Complexed with 4-Bromopyrazole
    Other atoms: Br (5);
  23. 5cz0 (Mn: 4) - Neisseria Meningitidis 3 Dexy-D-Arabino-Heptulosonate 7-Phosphate Synthase GLU98ALA Variant
  24. 5czn (Mn: 1) - 2009 H1N1 Pa Endonuclease Mutant E119D
  25. 5czs (Mn: 4) - Neisseria Meningitidis 3 Dexy-D-Arabino-Heptulosonate 7-Phosphate Synthase GLU98ALA Variant Regulated
  26. 5czt (Mn: 4) - Neisseria Meningitidis 3 Dexy-D-Arabino-Heptulosonate 7-Phosphate Synthase GLU176ALA Variant
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  27. 5d02 (Mn: 4) - Neisseria Meningitidis 3 Deoxy-D-Arabino-Heptulosonate 7-Phosphate Synthase GLU176GLN Variant
  28. 5d03 (Mn: 4) - Neisseria Meningitidis 3 Deoxy-D-Arabino-Heptulosonate 7-Phosphate Synthase VAL223ALA Variant
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  29. 5d04 (Mn: 2) - Neisseria Meningitidis 3 Deoxy-D-Arabino-Heptulosonate 7-Phosphate Synthase VAL223ALA Variant Regulated
    Other atoms: Cl (6);
  30. 5d05 (Mn: 4) - Neisseria Meningitidis 3 Deoxy-D-Arabino-Heptulosonate 7-Phosphate Synthase LYS107ALA Variant Regulated
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  31. 5d09 (Mn: 4) - Neisseria Meningitidis 3 Deoxy-D-Arabino-Heptulosonate 7-Phosphate Synthase PHE211ALA Variant
  32. 5d2c (Mn: 2) - Reaction of Phosphorylated Chey with Imidazole 1 of 3
    Other atoms: F (6);
  33. 5d2o (Mn: 2) - 2009 H1N1 Pa Endonuclease Mutant F105S
  34. 5d42 (Mn: 2) - 2009 H1N1 Pa Endonuclease Mutant F105S in Complex with Dtmp
  35. 5d4g (Mn: 2) - 2009 H1N1 Pa Endonuclease Mutant F105S in Complex with Rump
  36. 5d6m (Mn: 1) - Mn(II)-Loaded Mnccp.1
    Other atoms: Fe (1);
  37. 5d8u (Mn: 2) - 2009 H1N1 Pa Endonuclease Mutant E119D in Complex with L-742,001
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  38. 5d9j (Mn: 2) - 2009 H1N1 Pa Endonuclease Mutant F105S in Complex with L-742,001
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  39. 5dbs (Mn: 1) - 2009 H1N1 Pa Endonuclease Mutant E119D in Complex with Dtmp
  40. 5dcb (Mn: 4) - Neisseria Meningitidis 3-Deoxy-D-Arabino-Heptulosonate 7-Phosphate Synthase Regulated and Complexed with Pep
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:27:30 2025

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