Manganese in PDB, part 45 (files: 1761-1800),
PDB 3x30-4b5h
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Manganese (Mn) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Manganese atoms. PDB files: 1761-1800 (PDB 3x30-4b5h).
3x30 (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Metallo-Beta-Lactamase From Thermotoga Maritima
Other atoms:
Ni (1);
3zdx (Mn: 6) - Integrin Alphaiib BETA3 Headpiece and Rgd Peptide Complex
Other atoms:
Ca (8);
Cl (1);
3zdz (Mn: 6) - Integrin Alphaiib BETA3 Headpiece and Rgd Peptide Complex
Other atoms:
Ca (8);
Cl (1);
3ze0 (Mn: 6) - Integrin Alphaiib BETA3 Headpiece and Rgd Peptide Complex
Other atoms:
Ca (8);
Cl (1);
3ze1 (Mn: 6) - Integrin Alphaiib BETA3 Headpiece and Rgd Peptide Complex
Other atoms:
Ca (8);
Cl (1);
3ze2 (Mn: 6) - Integrin Alphaiib BETA3 Headpiece and Rgd Peptide Complex
Other atoms:
Ca (8);
3zf8 (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae MNN9 in Complex with Gdp and Mn.
3zgf (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Fucosylgalactoside Alpha N- Acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (Gta, Cisab Mutant L266G, G268A) in Complex with in Complex with Npe Caged Udp-Gal ( P2(1)2(1)2(1) Space Group)
3zgg (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Fucosylgalactoside Alpha N- Acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (Gta, Cisab Mutant L266G, G268A) in Complex with Npe Caged Udp-Gal (C222(1) Space Group)
3zhx (Mn: 2) - Structure of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Dxr in Complex with A Fosmidomycin Analogue
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
3zhy (Mn: 2) - Structure of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Dxr in Complex with A Di-Substituted Fosmidomycin Analogue
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
3zi0 (Mn: 1) - Structure of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Dxr in Complex with A Fosmidomycin Analogue
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
3zk4 (Mn: 3) - Structure of Purple Acid Phosphatase PPD1 Isolated From Yellow Lupin (Lupinus Luteus) Seeds
Other atoms:
Fe (3);
3zka (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Pneumococcal Surface Antigen Psaa D280N in the Metal-Bound, Open State
3zt9 (Mn: 3) - The Bacterial Stressosome: A Modular System That Has Been Adapted to Control Secondary Messenger Signaling
3ztt (Mn: 4) - Crystal Structure of Pneumococcal Surface Antigen Psaa with Manganese
3zvn (Mn: 1) - The Structural Basis For Substrate Recognition By Mammalian Polynucleotide Kinase 3' Phosphatase
3zvu (Mn: 2) - Structure of the PYR1 HIS60PRO Mutant in Complex with the HAB1 Phosphatase and Abscisic Acid
3zvx (Mn: 2) - Structure of the Lectin From Platypodium Elegans in Complex with A Trimannoside
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
3zy2 (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of POFUT1 in Complex with Gdp (High Resolution Dataset)
3zyr (Mn: 2) - Structure of the Lectin From Platypodium Elegans in Complex with Heptasaccharide
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
4a03 (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Dxr in Complex with the Antibiotic FR900098 and Cofactor Nadph
4a25 (Mn: 10) - X-Ray Structure Dps From Kineococcus Radiotolerans in Complex with Mn (II) Ions.
Other atoms:
Cl (6);
4a6v (Mn: 4) - X-Ray Structures of Oxazole Hydroxamate Ecmetap-Mn Complexes
Other atoms:
F (6);
4a6w (Mn: 2) - X-Ray Structures of Oxazole Hydroxamate Ecmetap-Mn Complexes
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
4a8o (Mn: 3) - Non-Catalytic Ions Direct the Rna-Dependent Rna Polymerase of Bacterial Dsrna Virus PHI6 From De Novo Initiation to Elongation
4ac8 (Mn: 4) - R2-Like Ligand Binding Mn-Fe Oxidase From M. Tuberculosis with An Organized C-Terminal Helix
Other atoms:
Fe (4);
Ca (2);
4aic (Mn: 2) - X-Ray Structure of 1-Deoxy-D-Xylulose 5-Phosphate Reductoisomerase, Dxr, RV2870C, From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, in Complex with Fosmidomycin, Manganese and Nadph
4amq (Mn: 2) - A Megaviridae Orfan Gene Encodes A New Nucleotidyl Transferase
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
4avg (Mn: 8) - Influenza Strain PH1N1 2009 Polymerase Subunit Pa Endonuclease in Complex with Diketo Compound 2
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
4avl (Mn: 8) - Influenza Strain PH1N1 2009 Polymerase Subunit Pa Endonuclease in Complex with Dtmp
4avq (Mn: 4) - Influenza Strain PH1N1 2009 Polymerase Subunit Pa Endonuclease
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
4aw1 (Mn: 1) - Human PDK1 Kinase Domain in Complex with Allosteric Compound PS210 Bound to the Pif-Pocket
Other atoms:
F (3);
Cl (3);
Na (2);
4awf (Mn: 8) - Influenza Strain PH1N1 2009 Polymerase Subunit Pa Endonuclease in Complex with 2 4-Dioxo-4-Phenylbutanoic Acid Dpba
4awg (Mn: 8) - Influenza Strain PH1N1 2009 Polymerase Subunit Pa Endonuclease in Complex with Diketo Compound 3
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
4awh (Mn: 8) - Influenza Strain PH1N1 2009 Polymerase Subunit Pa Endonuclease in Complex with Rump
4awk (Mn: 2) - Influenza Strain PH1N1 2009 Polymerase Subunit Pa Endonuclease in Complex with Diketo Compound 1
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
4awm (Mn: 2) - Influenza Strain PH1N1 2009 Polymerase Subunit Pa Endonuclease in Complex with (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate From Green Tea
4b02 (Mn: 3) - The C-Terminal Priming Domain Is Strongly Associated with the Main Body of Bacteriophage PHI6 Rna-Dependent Rna Polymerase
4b5h (Mn: 1) - Substate Bound Inactive Mutant of Neisseria Ap Endonuclease in Presence of Metal Ions
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:26:46 2025