Atomistry » Manganese » PDB 7ewx-7fq9
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Manganese in PDB, part 99 (files: 3921-3960), PDB 7ewx-7fq9

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Manganese (Mn) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Manganese atoms. PDB files: 3921-3960 (PDB 7ewx-7fq9).
  1. 7ewx (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ebinur Lake Virus Cap Snatching Endonuclease (P78A Mutant)
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  2. 7ewz (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ebinur Lake Virus Cap Snatching Endonuclease (D92A Mutant)
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  3. 7ex0 (Mn: 4) - Crystal Structure of Ebinur Lake Virus Cap Snatching Endonuclease (K108A Mutant)
  4. 7ex2 (Mn: 4) - Crystal Structure of Ebinur Lake Virus Cap Snatching Endonuclease in Complex with L-742,001 (Methyl Ester Form)
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  5. 7ex3 (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ebinur Lake Virus Cap Snatching Endonuclease in Complex with Inhibitor 3
    Other atoms: Cl (4); F (1);
  6. 7ex4 (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ebinur Lake Virus Cap Snatching Endonuclease in Complex with Inhibitor 5
    Other atoms: Cl (3); Br (1);
  7. 7ex6 (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Ebinur Lake Virus Cap Snatching Endonuclease in Complex with Inhibitor 11
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  8. 7ex7 (Mn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Ebinur Lake Virus Cap Snatching Endonuclease in Complex with Inhibitor 16
    Other atoms: Cl (5);
  9. 7ex8 (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ebinur Lake Virus Cap Snatching Endonuclease in Complex with Inhibitor 27
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  10. 7ex9 (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ebinur Lake Virus Cap Snatching Endonuclease in Complex with Inhibitor 28
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  11. 7exb (Mn: 1) - Dfga-Dfgb Complex Apo 2.4 Angstrom
  12. 7exo (Mn: 1) - Structure of Legume Lectin Domain From Methanocaldococcus Jannaschii in Mannose Bound Form
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  13. 7exz (Mn: 4) - Dgpb-Dgpc Complex Apo 2.5 Angstrom
  14. 7f6o (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Metal-Citrate-Binding Mutant (S26A) Protein (Mcta) of Abc Transporter Endogenously Bound to MN2+-Citrate Complex
  15. 7fcy (Mn: 2) - Crystal Structure of M.Tuberculosis Imidazole Glycerol Phosphate Dehydratase in Complex with An Inhibitor
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  16. 7fpl (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 280 K (Crystal 1)
  17. 7fpm (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 280 K (Crystal 2)
  18. 7fpn (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 280 K (Crystal 3)
  19. 7fpo (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 280 K (Crystal 4)
  20. 7fpp (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 280 K (Crystal 5)
  21. 7fpq (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 280 K (Multi-Crystal)
  22. 7fpr (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 290 K (Crystal 1)
  23. 7fps (Mn: 4) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 290 K (Crystal 2)
  24. 7fpt (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 290 K (Crystal 3)
  25. 7fpu (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 290 K (Crystal 4)
  26. 7fpv (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 290 K (Crystal 5)
  27. 7fpw (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 290 K (Multi-Crystal)
  28. 7fpx (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 300 K (Crystal 1)
  29. 7fpy (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 300 K (Crystal 2)
  30. 7fpz (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 300 K (Crystal 3)
  31. 7fq0 (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 300 K (Crystal 4)
  32. 7fq1 (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 300 K (Crystal 5)
  33. 7fq2 (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 300 K (Multi-Crystal)
  34. 7fq3 (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 310 K (Crystal 1)
  35. 7fq4 (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 310 K (Crystal 2)
  36. 7fq5 (Mn: 4) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 310 K (Crystal 3)
  37. 7fq6 (Mn: 4) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex at 310 K (Multi-Crystal)
  38. 7fq7 (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex (Crystal 1, Pass 1, 295 K)
  39. 7fq8 (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex (Crystal 1, Pass 2, 310 K)
  40. 7fq9 (Mn: 3) - Dhfr:Nadp+:Fol Complex (Crystal 1, Pass 3, 295 K)
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:28:50 2025

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