Manganese in PDB, part 70 (files: 2761-2800),
PDB 5jqk-5kg4
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Manganese (Mn) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Manganese atoms. PDB files: 2761-2800 (PDB 5jqk-5kg4).
5jqk (Mn: 4) - The Xray Crystal Structure of P. Falciparum Aminopeptidase P
5jqy (Mn: 1) - Aspartyl/Asparaginyl Beta-Hydroxylase (Asph)Oxygenase and Tpr Domains in Complex with Manganese, N-Oxalylglycine and Factor X Substrate Peptide Fragment(39MER-4SER)
5jr6 (Mn: 4) - The Xray Crystal Structure of P. Falciparum Aminopeptidase P in Complex with Apstatin
5jrg (Mn: 15) - Crystal Structure of the Nucleosome Containing the Dna with Tetrahydrofuran (Thf)
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
5jsx (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Glucosyl-3-Phosphoglycerate Synthase From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Complex with MN2+ and Uridine- Diphosphate-Glucose (Udp-Glc)
5jt0 (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Glucosyl-3-Phosphoglycerate Synthase From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Complex with MN2+, Uridine-Diphosphate (Udp) and Glucosyl-3-Phosphoglycerate (Gpg) - Gpgs*Gpg*Udp*MN2+
5jtc (Mn: 1) - Aspartyl/Asparaginyl Beta-Hydroxylase (Asph)Oxygenase and Tpr Domains in Complex with Manganese, 2,4-Pyridine Dicarboxylate and Factor X Substrate Peptide Fragment(39MER-4SER)
Other atoms:
Br (1);
5juc (Mn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Glucosyl-3-Phosphoglycerate Synthase From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Complex with MN2+, Uridine-Diphosphate (Udp) and Glucosyl-3-Phosphoglycerate (Gpg) - Gpgs*Gpg*Udp*MN2+_2
5jz6 (Mn: 1) - Aspartyl/Asparaginyl Beta-Hydroxylase (Asph)Oxygenase and Tpr Domains in Complex with Manganese and L-Malate
5jz8 (Mn: 1) - Aspartyl/Asparaginyl Beta-Hydroxylase (Asph)Oxygenase and Tpr Domains in Complex with Manganese, N-Oxalylglycine, and Factor X Substrate Peptide Fragment (39MER)
5jza (Mn: 1) - Aspartyl/Asparaginyl Beta-Hydroxylase (Asph)Oxygenase and Tpr Domains in Complex with Manganese and N-Oxalylglycine
5jzu (Mn: 1) - Aspartyl/Asparaginyl Beta-Hydroxylase (Asph)Oxygenase and Tpr Domains in Complex with Manganese, N-Oxalylglycine and Factor X Substrate Peptide Fragment (26MER)
5k7e (Mn: 2) - The Structure of Pistol Ribozyme, Soaked with MN2+
5k8i (Mn: 2) - Apo Structure
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
5k8k (Mn: 2) - Structure of the Haemophilus Influenzae Lpxh-Lipid X Complex
5k8o (Mn: 8) - MN2+/5NSA-Bound 5-Nitroanthranilate Aminohydrolase
5k8u (Mn: 2) - Apo Structure
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
5kaf (Mn: 8) - Rt Xfel Structure of Photosystem II in the Dark State at 3.0 A Resolution
Other atoms:
Mg (70);
Fe (6);
Ca (2);
Cl (4);
5kai (Mn: 8) - NH3-Bound Rt Xfel Structure of Photosystem II 500 Ms After the 2ND Illumination (2F) at 2.8 A Resolution
Other atoms:
Mg (70);
Fe (6);
Ca (2);
Cl (4);
5kfb (Mn: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction with 1 Mm MN2+ For 90S
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5kfc (Mn: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction with 1 Mm MN2+ For 180S
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5kfd (Mn: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction with 1 Mm MN2+ For 300S
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5kfe (Mn: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction with 1 Mm MN2+ For 600S
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5kff (Mn: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction with 1 Mm MN2+ For 1800S
5kfg (Mn: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction with 10 Mm MN2+ For 30S
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5kfh (Mn: 3) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction with 10 Mm MN2+ For 90S
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5kfi (Mn: 3) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction with 10 Mm MN2+ For 120S
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5kfj (Mn: 3) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction with 10 Mm MN2+ For 180S
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5kfk (Mn: 3) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction with 10 Mm MN2+ For 300S
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5kfl (Mn: 3) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction with 10 Mm MN2+ For 600S
5kfo (Mn: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex with Sp-Datp-Alpha-S: Reaction with 1 Mm MN2+ For 1800S
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5kfq (Mn: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex with Sp-Datp-Alpha-S: Reaction with 10 Mm MN2+ For 600S
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5kfr (Mn: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex with Sp-Datp-Alpha-S: Reaction with 20 Mm MN2+ For 600S
5kfy (Mn: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction First with 1 Mm MN2+ For 1800S Then with 5 Mm MN2+ For 60S at 4 Degree
5kfz (Mn: 3) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction First with 1 Mm MN2+ For 1800S Then with 5 Mm MN2+ For 60S at 14 Degree
5kg0 (Mn: 3) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction First with 1 Mm MN2+ For 1800S Then with 5 Mm MN2+ For 60S at 22 Degree
5kg1 (Mn: 3) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction First with 1 Mm MN2+ For 1800S Then with 5 Mm MN2+ For 60S at 30 Degree
5kg2 (Mn: 3) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction First with 1 Mm MN2+ For 1800S Then with 5 Mm MN2+ For 60S at 37 Degree
5kg3 (Mn: 3) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction First with 1 Mm MN2+ For 1800S Then with 10 Mm MN2+ For 60S
5kg4 (Mn: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna Ternary Complex: Reaction First with 1 Mm MN2+ For 1800S Then with 10 Mm MG2+ For 60S
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:27:44 2025